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A study of bugs

Fixing addon bugs for Anki 23

I've been using Anki for years. Anki has recently changed its version numbers to year.month. From version 23.10, FSRS algorithm is implemented for scheduling reviews. Without thinking too much, I upgraded to the latest version.

Not surprisingly, this upgrade broke a few addons on my computer:

Fixing them was easier than I had thought. ⋯

Something clever in the syntax of Elixir

I find this quite clever in the syntax of Elixir.

There are two sets of boolean operators in Elixir and, or, not versus &&, ||, !.

The difference is that and, or, not only take literal boolean values. In contrast, &&, ||, ! can take values of all types. And all values except false and nil will evaluate to true. ⋯

Ecto search keyword interpolation

Updated on 2023-11-27:

Now I realize I didn't need to use a fragment. I could have used ilike.

The difference between ilike and like is that ilike is explicitly case-insensitive, whereas like could be case sensitive based on the database you are using. ⋯

Untracking files in Git

Normally you can avoid tracking files in Git by adding files to .gitignore.

But if files have been previously added for tracking, they will still be tracked even after appending them to .gitignore.

We need to first remove tracked files from cache. And add back all the files – including .gitignore – in the current directory. Now .gitignore will take effect.

Using Readwise

I realized I read quite a lot on the web. I spend a lot of time browsing answers on StackOverflow and reading documentation.

For the most part, such information is only useful once and it's OK to forget it. But occasionally, I'd come across a new bug that reminds me of an older problem I had seen before. At that time, I'd wish I could remember how I solved that problem earlier.

I take notes in Obsidian when I try to seriously learn something new. In the meantime, I'd create flashcards in Anki if I find what I'm learning really useful. ⋯


A moment ago I got an error that reads like this:

I was really confused for a moment. Then I realized (() => void) | null means: Either a) a function that neither takes any argument nor returns any value; or b) null.

And () => void | null means a function that does not take any argument. And there are two possibilities when this function returns: Either it doesn't return anything or it returns a null. ⋯

Learning fun but irrelevant things

Last week, my friend Joe asked me what's the best way to learn a programming language.

I replied: Go through the basics as quickly as possible. Then begin building things with it. This is how I learn Golang.

I had been curious about Rust for a while. And a coworker talked about how Rust was his favorite language with a lot of exuberance. I thought to myself, maybe I could do the same with Rust. ⋯

Bug report: Linter doesn't run in SourceTree

Description of bug: Using SourceTree on React project running on Node. When committing, linter fails to run with a complaint saying something like “node not found”.

Investigation: Googled a bit, the problem might have been caused by nvm`` or it's something aboutzsh`. Good people on StackOverflow also shared how they solved their similar bugs on their system.

But... Somehow I was using Volta to manage different versions of Node. Can't think of a good reason why I decided to do so. ⋯


I went through my finances using beancount. Double-entry bookkeeping seemed boring at first. But with the help of VSCode extensions for beancount that enable syntax highlighting and formatting, it became somewhat enjoyable.

I ran into problems over different currencies. I have a few transactions in USD and EUR. I wrote a Python script to convert bank statement formats to that of beancount.

Did you know you could use calc in Tailwind CSS? I was first mind-blown then felt it wrong. One should not choose to use the dark magic that is calc() unless it is her last option. Besides, by using Tailwind, we are telling ourselves now we are one step removed from the nuts and bolts of CSS. Using arbitrary numbers in brackets already feels “unidiomatic” in Tailwind. Last week when I found myself resorting to something like h-[calc(100%-20rem)] I grimaced very hard. ⋯