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Notes tagged with “go”

Trying out Fyne

The idea of building a piece of software once and run it everywhere is certainly charming. And Go supports cross-compiling out of the box.

Fyne is a very promising GUI package for Go that helps you build a GUI app and cross-compile it for (almost) all devices and OSes.

For a quick example, this code gives you a small window with a label and an input field. Grab this piece of code, init a mod and tidy it, and you are good to go. ⋯


Go has superb built-in support for good programming practices, such as test-driven development. In fact, I'm learning a lot about TDD while learning Go from this book: “Learn Go with Tests”.

If you want to test a bunch of similar inputs and outputs, it's handy to run table-driven tests. What you do is list input values and expected output in an array, then loop through all the test cases.

I found this blog post by Lorenzo Peppoloni quite helpful. It gives examples in both Golang and Python for table-driven tests. ⋯