Week 47 2021-11-28 weektypescript I spent some time last week to get myself more familiar with TypeScript. →
Week 46 gave me surprises 2021-11-21 weekpython A few things: →
So much fun in week 45 2021-11-14 weekgit These are the fun I had in week 45, 2021. →
Reading Books in Swedish 2021-11-07 readingswedish It took me more than a year to finish reading my first Swedish novel Tio över ett, a teenage romance story set in mining town Kiruna. I got this paperback from a shelf at Uppsala University where people leave their used books. You'd most often see conference proceedings and PhD dissertations – dozens of brand new copies at once – left there. →
Comparing Arrays by Value in JavaScript 2021-08-10 javascriptarrays I didn't know I didn't know the answer when my friend showed me a simple piece of JavaScript code and asked me what would happen. →
Creating My Own Static Site Generator 2021-08-06 personal_projects Since I take a lot of notes, rcently I thought I could edit some of my notes and turn them into a blog. I wasn't satisfied with WordPress, because it's bloated. I didn't feel like to get familiar with the settings and configurations of other static site generators either. So I decided to write my own. I named it “Lysekil”, where I visited in late March and loved it there. I published it on GitHub and provided a brief documentation. →